
Connecting Your Zoom Account

Connecting your Zoom account to A&B allows us to become an administrator and automatically assign Zoom links to each of your classes.

  • To avoid technical issues or meeting conflicts, if you currently use a Zoom account for any other use, please create a new, free, separate Zoom account for A&B coaching.

  • You will be able to access your class from any Zoom account by simply clicking the Zoom link in your calendar.

How do I connect my Zoom account?

  1. You will receive an email from Zoom with the subject line “Zoom account invitation.

  2. Click “Approve the Request.

  3. On the next page, click “I Acknowledge and Switch.”

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Zoom Account Invite - 2.PNG

How do I create a new Zoom account?

  1. You will receive an email from Zoom.

  2. Click “Activate Your Zoom Account.

  3. On the next page, click “Sign Up with a Password.”

Am I the Zoom host?

Yes. All classes are taught from your own Zoom account. You are the official Zoom host of all of your classes.

Do I need to invite the client or send them their Zoom link?

No. You do not need to send any info to your client prior to your lesson. Clients are assigned Zoom links and given proper class instructions ahead of time.

Can A&B log into my Zoom account?

No. A&B only has administrative privileges to change settings and create Zoom meetings.

Will connecting my Zoom account change my settings?

Two settings will be locked in your Zoom account: Join Before Host and Waiting Room. A&B needs these settings locked to avoid issues with automated Zoom links and allowing artists and clients to enter meetings.

  • Join Before Host - Enabled
    Allow participants to join the meeting before the host arrives.

  • Waiting Room - Disabled
    When attendees join a meeting, place them in a waiting room and require the host to admit them individually. Enabling the waiting room automatically disables the setting for allowing

Your other Zoom settings will remain the same, and you are able to change them at any time. If you need access to Join Before Host or Waiting Room, please create a new, free, separate Zoom account for coaching.

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waiting room.png

Are Zoom classes recorded?

All Zoom classes are automatically recorded for safety and archival purposes. Clients do not have access to recordings unless specifically requested. You may also grant them access during their Zoom call.

Portions of some recorded classes (photo and video) may be featured on social media for educational purposes only. All media is displayed in a positive and encouraging way.

If you have any questions, please let us know.