Social Media
How can I find A&B on social media?
Follow @artistsandbeyond on Instagram and tag us in your stories and posts.
Following and tagging us on social media helps legitimize our professional relationship with you. It also allows us to re-share your coaching-related posts.
What’s the most effective way to post about coaching on social media?
Many people will go to your Instagram before booking and if they see that you’ve posted a video about coaching, it will empower them. Say something meaningful that lets people know why you’re excited to meet them. Your personal approach will create a real, genuine connection!
Remember to tag @artistsandbeyond so we can share.
Record a video and post it to your main Instagram feed. Videos on your main feed get 2.5x more engagement.
Post to your Instagram story and add it to your highlights. Use the swipe-up feature.
Post the Social Media Package materials we’ve provided you.
How to use the Swipe-Up feature on Instagram
Go to your Instagram, and tap the camera icon in the top left corner. Select a photo, boomerang, or video. You can also swipe up to access your library of previously captured content.
Tap on the chain link icon and enter your URL.
Always add a gif or text so your followers will know to swipe-up!
Tag @artistsandbeyond!
How do I add a story to my Highlights?
Open the story and tap on the Highlight icon at the bottom.
Choose the Highlight or create a new one. Label it “Coaching.”
I don’t have the swipe-up feature on Instagram, what can I do?
The swipe-up feature is only available for verified accounts or accounts with 10k+ followers. If you don’t meet the criteria, you can still use your artist link:
Add the link to your bio.
Add a Linktree, which allows your followers to select from multiple links.
Should I answer direct messages?
Your A&B link streamlines the booking process and engaging with direct messages can be effective. Replying with your artist link allows you to gain a potential client, but without getting into a long conversation.
Check your “Requests” folder for any inquiries.
Copy and paste your artist link as a reply.
I don’t have a lot of followers on social media, what can I do?
Social media is a powerful tool, but ultimately your network is what matters, whether it’s 100 people or 1 million people.
Quality over quantity. The people who follow you do so because they love what you’re all about. Stay true to yourself and continue to let people know you’re coaching.
What’s in this article?
How can I find A&B on social media?
What’s the most effective way to post about coaching on social media?
How to use the Swipe-Up feature on Instagram
How do I add a story to my Highlights?
I don’t have the swipe-up feature on Instagram, what can I do?
Should I answer direct messages?
I don’t have a lot of followers on social media, what can I do?